The HiPE Japan, Inc. On the day of 2023, a Christmas party was held in Cebu City. All Manila members traveled to Cebu to attend, just as they did last year.
This year, we had approximately 20 Japanese guests.
We appreciate you coming all the way to Cebu at the end of the year, when you are extremely busy, and for your participation.
The party began with prayers, the introduction of the guests of honour, and a performance by HiPE staff. There was a performance contest featuring a band and four teams.
This time, the jury consisted of Japanese guests, and the winner was the Manila team.
At the end of the day, as in previous years, the most illustrious employee of the year was honored.
The award was given to Maila, an engineer who has been with Company B since its inception.
Her speech following the award presentation was also impressive.
Mr K, the client in charge of the project, handed her the trophy.
We also received one more surprise award for the year 2021. We announced it this year because a super typhoon hit Cebu two years ago, preventing us from holding a Christmas party there... This year, we were finally able to make the announcement. Nicole received the award for her contributions to the BPO business since its inception. She has significantly contributed to the increase in staff.
This year's party was truly the happiest ever, and we've been charged for next year. We at HiPE will do our best to organize it again next year.
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